
158 wooded acres in Ross county Ohio. Gated entrance with an area for a camper. This property has a lot going on. It was logged the summer of 2014 so access around the property is great. Plenty of mature trees left on the property. Food plots are permitted on the logging roads. This would be a great advantage in a couple areas on the sound end of the property. This property has pines, hardwoods, creek bottoms and some nice thickets. Will hunt great. Borders Tar Hollow State Forest. No trapping permitted. No mushroom hunting permitted and owner reserves the right to mushroom hunt during season. ATV’s permitted. 5 hunter maximum. Annual lease. $3,800.00. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY LEASED.

221 acres located in SE Clermont County, OH. This property hunts huge and is a bow hunters dream. A few fields along the road and the rest is a mix of thick and open hard woods and multiple cedar thickets. Acorns everywhere. Lots of terrain variations meaning lots of natural funnels. Decent access from two main trails on both ends of the property will run you all the way to the rear with a handful of ATV trails branching off. There is buck sign all over. Lots of rubs and old scrapes. There is a dried up watering hole near the small opening in the back section of the property will probably hold water early season. ATV’s OK. Annual lease. 8 hunter maximum. $5,000.00. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY LEASED.

120 acres in NW Butler county. Gated entrance. Great deer and turkey sign. The wood lot is thick and offers some great cover and various terrain features. Approximately 3/4 of an acre available for a food plot. Property also sees a lot of goose traffic. There's a farm lane that travels all the way back to wood lot. ATVs permitted on dry, cut fields and roadways only. 3 hunter maximum. Annual lease. $2,400.00. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY LEASED.

270 acres located in Butler Co. Ohio. This is an incredible farm and has a lot going on! It consists of some thickets, hardwoods, crops, pastures and hay fields. There's a nice little cow pond towards the center of the property. Two access points into this property from the Southeast most corner and the long narrow finger on the South border. Good deer and turkey sign all over this property. Some great rolling topography and a few steep ridges create some excellent natural funneling along with some fence rows and crop edges. Found quite a bit of sheds on this property in March. There are a ton of great stand sites on this property with plenty of options for bow and gun hunters alike. This place is going to hunt great! More pictures available on request. ATV's permitted. Annual lease. 5 hunter maximum. $5,700.00. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY LEASED.

177 acres in NW Butler county Ohio. Gated entrance. Great deer sign and excellent turkey sign. The aerial doesn't do it justice. It will hunt big. The fingers provide some heavy bedding cover. Trails running throughout them everywhere. Good goose traffic as well. ATVs permitted on dry, cut fields and roadways only. 4 hunter maximum. Annual lease. Lease will start 04-09-2015. $3,200.00 **Connects to the available 120 acre Butler county lease.** THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY LEASED.

25 acres in Butler Co. Ohio. Great little suburban tract with tons of potential. There's a nice cedar thicket and a small section of hardwoods with a creek running through the property. Solid deer movement and found a couple decent rubs on inspection. If hunted properly this could be a real honey hole. 4 small existing food plots need refreshed as previous lessee didn't utilize the lease this past year. Landowner lives onsite. ATV’s ok. Food plots ok. No shotguns during gun season due to proximity of neighbors. Annual lease. 4 hunter maximum. $1,200.00. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY LEASED.

240 Acres in Butler County, OH. This property is located in NE Butler County just a couple minutes from the city of Oxford. There are two points of access on this property. Despite the lack of wooded cover there was a good amount of deer sign coming from the large adjoining wood lot. There was also some incredible rubs in the wooded finger on some big cedars. There is a small pond extending off the end of the finger of woods. Great opportunities for a waterfowl hunter as you’re only 10 minutes from 625 acre Acton Lake. There were nonstop geese overhead the day this farm was inspected. ATV’s permitted. 3 hunter maximum. Annual lease. $1,500.00. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY LEASED.

235 very secluded acres located in Lewis Co. Kentucky. More than a quarter mile off the paved road and you have to cross a small creek to access the property. Lewis County is known for producing big deer. The property is very mountainous with around a 10 acre grass bottom which would make an excellent place for a late season food plot to draw in the deer. Lots of benches and saddles in the terrain offer many great hunting opportunities. An abandoned house in the grass bottom makes for a great place to gun hunt, as it’s been used in the past. Old logging roads also give this property decent accessibility. Some good animal trails coming in and out of the bottom. Two ponds in the grass bottom and watering holes have been dug into a few spots in the hills. There’s also a very swampy pond in the NW corner of the property. Almost no hunting pressure from the neighbors. About a 35 minute drive from nearby hotels and restaurants. Spring turkey season dates are excluded from the lease and reserved for the landowners personal use. Food plots OK. ATV’s OK.Annual lease. 5 hunter maximum. $2,500.00. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY LEASED. ***THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY FOR SALE. CONTACT CRAIG STANFIELD REALTY 606-798-2009 FOR INFO.***

100 acres located in Butler Co. Ohio. This little tract has a lot of potential and is made up of hardwoods, a small amount of crops and rest in rolling hay fields. Two secluded hay fields keep out prying eyes and there's a small creek that borders the western most field. There are some heavily used trails along the ridge side dropping down to the creek. Lots of trails leading out of the woods to the field in the center of the property. The property was just select cut and has made a couple easy and quite access routes through the hardwoods. Lots of turkeys in the area. ATV's permitted. Annual lease. 4 hunter maximum. $2,000.00. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY LEASED BY AN "ADVANCED LEASE ALERT" MEMBER.

57 acre tract located in SW Butler Co. Ohio. Excellent goose potential as they’re spotted frequently in the area. The property runs along a creek and makes a perfect travel corridor for deer. The field gets planted in soy beans, hay and corn. Found a few rubs along the creek on inspection. I’ve seen deer and turkey on many occasions while driving past. Annual lease. 2 hunter maximum. $500.00. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY LEASED.

137 acres located in SW Butler County, OH. Good access from the South and East sides of the property. Nice water holding creek running through the middle of the property. Fields are planted in soy beans, corn and a small section on the western side is grass. The wooded area in the center of the property is thick with some open areas great for a bow hunter. The wooded area on the northern section of the property looks great. Nice and clean. This is where the shed pictured was found. ATV’s permitted for equipment setup/removal and game retrieval only. Annual lease. 4 hunter maximum. $2,500.00. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY LEASED.