Contact Us
Know someone who might consider leasing their property? We offer a 10% finder's fee if you recommend a landowner and their property leases through Tall Tine Leasing.
Are you a hunter interested in finding out more about one of our leases or how they work? Are you a landowner interested in leasing your property? If so please call or drop us an email. We are here to provide you with an excellent service and we'll be happy to assist you in any way we can.
Tall Tine Leasing is now offering an "Advanced Lease Alert" notification list. This service is available at the cost of $50.00 per year. If you join you will be notified one week in advance of regular members of the mailing list about newly available leases. This will greatly increase your chances of securing one of our hunting leases. Please contact us for more information.
Tall Tine Leasing LLC
John Anderson
(513) 763-0297